Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How to Eat Fried Worms

Ingredients: 50 whole dollar bills, 15 ripe earthworms, 4 young boys, 1 disgusting dare

Combine all ingredients into a small book, carefully mix with witty dialogue, stir in unforgettable characters, add a dash of nausea, a pinch of mischief and generously sprinkle with humorous chapters. Let stand for fifteen days, remove from bookshelf and enjoy in large helpings.

How to Eat Fried Worms is a recipe for fun, laughter and possibly an upset stomach. However, it is sure to please even the pickiest of young readers who are reluctant to try new things and tend to stick with those familiar authors or their favorite series.

The fun begins when a conversation over last night’s dinner of salmon casserole and one of the boy’s refusal to eat even two bites of it (yuck!), turns into a contest of I’d eat anything for enough money. Well, it turns out $50 is enough and anything happens to be fifteen worms. One worm a day for fifteen days which adds up to some disgusting concoctions, some devious scheming, and a whole lot of arguing.

The book is filled with such remarkably realistic adolescent behavior that you being to wonder if these kids might happen to be neighbors of yours. Billy, the main character and recipient of 15 worms challenge, is drawn by the author with all the thoughts, actions, and unique characteristics that make for a believable character and one children can connect with easily.

More than just a book about four boys and a slightly disgusting premise, How to Eat Fried Worms is sure to please young readers and older readers who remember their favorite book from fourth grade.

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