Friday, November 16, 2007

USEiT Study

I've spent the past few day pouring over a series of reports that are part of the Use, Support and Effect of Instructional Technology Study in an effort to determine how technology use is being studied and to gather insight into conducting my own survey of technology use within my district.  I've decided that this particular study will serve as a model for my own because of the similarity in purpose and the method of investigation, specifically for phase one of USEiT study which dealt simply with documenting the classroom uses of technology and support. 

Although the scale of this study and the technical aspects involved in the data analysis are intimidating, what I have been able to understand from the study has helped me to clarify my own research questions, focus the scope of my thesis, and understand how an instrument is designed and implemented. As a result, my own study will still focus primarily on teacher use of technology but will be expanded to include factors related to technology use.

What I have found disappointing in terms of the technical aspect of the study was a failure to mention the specific sources used to determine the factors related to technology use and why those factors are important to examine. 

Notes continued...

purpose of study:





 Research Questions:




  • initiated by a group of districts interested in in how tech was being used and how to maximize impact and investment
  • demographics compared to state average


  • phase one was development and piloting of survey instrument
  • teacher surveys administered during staff meetings
  • student surveys administered during first 15 minutes of class
  • interviews administered at sites


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