Thursday, November 15, 2007

What Teachers Are Saying (2006 Survey)

Although I'm naturally skeptical of a study whose findings so neatly coincide with the business objectives of the large company who sponsored the Teachers Talk Tech survey, there is still much in this study that is relevant to my thesis. 

Both the purpose and the goals of this survey, i.e. learning  "how k-12 teachers use computers in their jobs" in order to "help communities make academic choices" are quite similar to my own thesis, so examining which questions were asked and how provided some guidance and understanding into my own project.

Although there is little within the report besides the findings, I found it interesting to note that the majority of questions focused on teacher attitudes and beliefs (which are often linked with use) and teacher skill level or training, as opposed to specific uses by teachers or barriers to use. So, although the actual results were not very informative, knowing that factors such as professional development, teacher's attitudes and beliefs, and their confidence and skill level are being considered when examining technology use is helpful. I would have been curious to understand specifically why the question used were chosen and the literature that guided the report, but I suppose that will have to be left for later lit reviews.

Notes Continued...


Purpose significance:

  • Skeptical about the motives behind the survey
  • understand importance of investment
  • guide choices



  • learn how teachers use computers
  • evaluate efficacy


Attitudes and Beliefs about Technology

Please rate how effective you feel computers are as a classroom tool in addressing each skill

Identify some issues that may affect the best use of computer technology as a teaching tool in the classroom

How effective do you feel computers are as a classroom tool in addressing each skill

Teacher Skill Level

How would you describe your skill set

Please rate your level of competency in the following areas

Over the past 12 months, how many hours of training have you received in the use of computers and other classroom technology that has been provided by you school or school system?

Technology Use and Frequency

Rate the importance of computer technology for you personally in each of the following teacher related-functions

On average, how frequently do you integrate technology into your instruction


What do you see as the most significant obstacles to integrating technology into your daily curriculum?


  • used more for administrative purpose



  • industry should make more of an effort to incorporate tech in curriculum rather than burden the teachers due to restraints of time, budget and access issues
  • industry needs to support the research to build case for technology



  • survey
  • in depth interviews


Demographics collected:

  • subjects taught
  • students taught
  • years teaching
  • gender

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